Friday, December 27, 2019

Resources for Teaching Children with Technology!

Putting the “T” in STEM! 

60+ Resources for Teaching Children with Technology!


Educational Technology Resources from Teacher Vision

Educational Technology Resources

Use our educational technology resources to enhance your lessons and engage your students. Introduce topics and ignite conversation with these fifteen minute mini-lesson PowerPoint Slides. To incorporate technology into your classroom, browse these listings for the best videos, digital books, websites, and online games to combine both the subject matter and a lesson on computer skills! You will also find tips and tricks regarding internet safety and the best plan to help your students avoid cyberbullying, cheating, and online dangers.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

What do we do in the Digital Technologies Subject?

What do we do in the Digital Technologies Subject?
  • learn about the nature and the safe, ethical and responsible use of information and system
  • are provided with opportunities to be creative and innovative and create sustainable solutions to meet client needs and opportunities to real world problems, and
  • create sustainable solutions by using a design thinking process of investigating and defining, designing, producing and implementing, evaluating and collaborating and managing.

Teachers allow creativity and innovation to flow by:
  • Encouraging risk taking – mistakes are tolerated!
  • Providing opportunities for open ended tasks and tasks that are authentic/real world
  • Encouraging different outcomes rather than expecting prescribed outcomes
  • Using a student-centred approach, where the teacher:
  • models and provides explicit skill instruction (I do, you watch - I do, you help - You do, I help - You do, I watch)
  • encourages students to reflect on their learning and how they are learning it
  • encourages collaboration and engages the students in the hard, messy work of learning (opportunities for students to practice, practice, practice)
  • uses pedagogical approaches that are experiential, challenged, problem and/or inquiry based, personalised, differentiated, and asks the big questions
  • provides opportunities for the students to negotiate the curriculum
  • models a growth mindset
  • makes time for brainstorming and the active soliciting of ideas, and
  • is supportive and provides timely feedback.
By sustainable we mean encouraging students to consider:
  • Environmental sustainability – how they might preserve resources for future generations and avoid waste 
  • Social sustainability – how they might work cohesively and collaboratively, persevering on a task/solution
  •  Financial sustainabilitythe cost of the solution, the $ value of the proposed solution
  • Technical sustainability – what is possible now with the available technology... student’s must have an opportunity to reflect, evaluate and review previous solutions and consider alternatives given any improvements in technologies.
  • Economic sustainabilitythe opportunity cost, what one has to forgo given the problem of scarce resources.